停业, 歇业;
Some of old newspapers had to go out of business for low sales.
《简明英汉词典》Small companies will go out of business if they are not well managed.
互联网The trader does not cause the company to go out of business.
互联网However, focusing merely on customer effectiveness would eventually mean they could go out of business.
互联网It will go out of business because it is always in the red.
互联网A badly run company is , therefore , forced to improve or go out of business.
对经营不佳的公司, 迫使他改善经营管理或是淘汰倒闭.
辞典例句Some of our customers, they go bankrupt go out of business.
我们的一些客户, 破产的破产,停业的停业.
互联网Thousands of firms could go out of business.
柯林斯例句It's a fact that thousands of companies go out of business every year.
互联网In those hard times, the car factory had to go out of business.
互联网In other words, you can either pay to play or you go out of business.
换句话说, 不是付钱营业,就是关门大吉.
互联网The company has made gigantic losses this year, and will probably go out of business.
该公司今年亏损巨大, 有可能倒闭.
《简明英汉词典》Some of our customers - they go bankrupt and go out of business.
互联网Yet, some thrive while others struggle or go out of business.
然而, 一些公司生意兴隆,而其他的一些则在挣扎或是已经出局.
互联网In spite of help from Extension, small farmers continue to go out of business.
尽管有推广局的帮助, 小农们继续破产.
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